List of Training
Course Aim (Goal):
This course will ensure that the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the aerodrome controllers are maintained and reinforced in a regular basis so that they will be able to control air traffic within aerodrome effectively and efficiently in accordance with ICAO SARPs and national regulations.
Target Population:
Air Traffic Control Officer
Course Objectives:
Upon completion the course, the trainees will be able to:
- Control Aircraft on manoeuvring area;
- Control traffic other than aircraft on manoeuvring area;
- Control VFR Flights;
- Control IFR Flight;
- Manage traffic in abnormal condition.
Entry requirements: - The trainee should have ATC license;
- Participants must be able to read, write and speak English language.
Delivery requirements: - One to two instructor;
- One multimedia projector;
- ATC simulator
Course Aim (Goal): This course will maintain and reinforce participants’ (area surveillance controllers’) knowledge, skills and attitudes required to be able to apply updated procedures and deal with abnormal conditions (emergency/unusual/degraded situations) in accordance with ICAO SARPs and national regulations.
Target Population:- Primary: Air Traffic Control Officer
- Secondary: ATC-Area Supervisors
Upon completion the course, the trainees will be able to:
- Identify aircraft;
- Provide separation between aircraft;
- Manage traffic in abnormal conditions.
- The trainee should have valid ATC license;
- Participants must be able to read, write and speak English language.
- One to three Instructor (depend on number of trainees, simulator and console);
- One multimedia projector;
- One ATC-Area simulator.
Course Aim (Goal):
This course will provide participants with sufficient knowledge, skills and attitudes required to implement and maintain the Ramp Safety in accordance with national regulations and ICAO standards.
Target Population:
- Ramp safety Personnel
Upon completion the course, the trainees will be able to:
- Identify required Safety Equipment used at the Ramp Area;
- Identify Hazards and manage risks;
- Identify Ramp Area markings and Signages;
- Apply Radio Telephony Techniques;
- Apply appropriate action for special handling and abnormal situations.
- The trainee should completed training related to their specific Job performance at the ramp area.;
- Participants must be able to read, write and speak English language;
- New/ junior ramp personnel
- An aerodrome simulator ( or two rooms and radio equipment with microphones for the trainees are required).
Course Aim (Goal):
This course will provide participants with sufficient knowledge, skills and attitudes required to evaluate aviation fire fighting foam in accordance with national & international standards.
Target Population:
- Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighter Personnel
Upon completion the course, the trainees will be able to:
- Perform foam concentrate physical properties test;
- Perform fire test;
- Perform ARFF vehicle foam production performance test.
- Participants must have Junior ARFF certificate;
- No colour blindness, physically and mentally healthy (shows the medical certificate).
- One to two instructor (classroom session);
- Two to three instructor (real fire test exercise);
- One multimedia projector;
- Foam Evaluation Equipments.
Course Aim (Goal):
This course will provide participants with sufficient knowledge, skills and attitudes required to operate and drive foam tender in accordance with KP 605 tahun 2015 Local National Regulation and its related document.
- Primary : ARFF Personnel (Foam Tender Commander)
- Secondary : ARFF Supervisors, ARFF Personnel, ARFF Instructors, and ARFF Inspector.
Upon completion the course, the trainees will be able to:
- Ensure Serviceability of Foam Tender;
- Drive the Foam Tender to the Sight;
- Operate Foam Tender Fire Fighting System.
- Participants must have Junior ARFF certificate;
- Participants must have driving license;
- No colour blindness, physically and mentally healthy (shows the medical certificate).
- One to two instructor (classroom session);
- Two to three instructor (simulator & real foam tender exercise);
- One multimedia projector;
- Foam Tender Simulator;
- Foam Tender.
Diklat Initial Junior Aviation Security bertujuan Untuk mendidik dan melatih Peserta Diklat dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan menjelaskan dan melakukan Pemeriksaan Keamanan Penerbangan terhadap Penumpang, Barang dan Kendaraan sesuai dengan Peraturan yang berlaku.
Course Introduction | COI | 2 | – |
Peraturan-Peraturan Keamanan Penerbangan Sipil | KPS | 8 | – |
Program Keamanan Penerbangan Nasional | KPN | 8 | – |
Pengenalan Barang Berbahaya (Dangerous Goods) | PBB | 8 | – |
Profiling | PRF | 8 | 8 |
Ancaman di Dunia Penerbangan | ADP | 4 | – |
Pengenalan Alat Peledak, Senjata dan Peralatan Berbahaya | PPB | 8 | 8 |
Pengenalan dan Pengoperasian Peralatan Keamanan Penerbangan (Utilization Of Security Equipment) | PPP | 8 | 8 |
Exercise Computer Based Training (CBT) X-Ray | CBT | 8 | 16 |
Pengetahuan Nuklir, Biologi, Kimia, dan Radiasi (Nubikara) | PNB | 8 | – |
Program Penanggulangan Keadaan Darurat Keamanan Penerbangan Nasional (National Contingency Programme) | PKD | 4 | – |
Praktek Kerja Lapangan (On the Job Training/OJT) | PKL | – | 40 |
Ujian Komprehensif | EXAM | 4 | 8 |
78 | 88 | ||
Dokumentasi Kegiatan